How to find your tribe.

We all have an inherent need to belong. A need to feel understood and seen. A tribe to call our own. You know, our family outside of our blood family. 

These individuals greatly impact our lives in a positive way. I believe there's a tribe for everyone.  After all, your tribe is based on your personality, common beliefs and interests. In order to determine which tribe you belong to, you’re going to have to do some soul-searching and really get to know yourself, if you don't already. 

Here are 4 tips to find your tribe:  

Be yourself. Get comfortable with yourself. Learn to love your quirks, the little things that make you, You. Your quirks make you memorable. Being yourself makes it easy for your tribe to recognize you.

Seek your tribe. As the saying goes, what you're seeking is seeking you. As much as you want to find your tribe, they too want to find you. So, sign up for a class, attend events or join a club where you know like-minded people will be in attendance.

You won't be everyone's cup of tea. It may be a hard pill to swallow.  But, you will come across some people that just don't like you, so remember to try not to take it personally.  How people receive you is none of your business, your tribe will welcome you with open arms.

Use discernment. It goes both ways.  Again, you won't be everyone's cup of tea and, of course, they won't be yours either. Be sure to pay attention to how you feel while in the company of others and proceed accordingly.

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