The importance of unlearning and relearning

We grow up absorbing all kinds of information from our parents, the schooling system, and media preferences. We blindly believe this and apply it to our lives, until we encounter situations that cause us to start challenging these beliefs. At which point, we have two options: to either stay ignorant or to question what we have been told.

Taking time to analyze some of these old beliefs you hold onto will greatly aid your personal growth. There is no harm in doing your own research to understand more in depth, which in turn will bring clarity. Learning is lifelong. The more you learn, the more you grow. But the more you learn, the more your old beliefs will be brought up for evaluation.

Read. It is important to feed your mind with challenging content. Content that will stretch your mind to think in ways it has not previously structured toward. What are you currently reading? Does it inspire/challenge you in any way? You can even re-read old books and learn something new. Some books contain numerous gems that will not be picked up on during the first read. If you are going to splurge on anything, I would recommend you splurge on books. This is a great investment.  This also enhances your critical thinking. 

Debate. Who doesn’t love a good healthy debate? I would only suggest doing this with an open-minded and non-egotistical individual.  Different perspectives are shared during a debate, which makes it a wonderful way to learn something you did not previously know. 

Travel. One of the reasons I love traveling so much is because when you visit a country you're learning about the people and their culture for yourself. You can't always rely on the media to show a true representation of some countries. So, it's best to find out for yourself. Soak up as much culture as you can and talk to locals.

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The Need For Perspective During Dark Times

During your lifetime you will find your faith being severely tested. This can show up as yourself at a crossroad, being outcasted, loss of a job etc. It's during these storms that your strength will be revealed. When everything you once knew is no longer, you must keep in mind that this is temporary and it shall pass. But most importantly, you're heading for a breakthrough. To strengthen your faith, you must believe that your current predicament is just as equally necessary as the good times; it's all for your highest good. Alter your perception so you can see the silver lining.

Sometimes it's just a matter of timing, but while you're weathering this storm, it's shaping your character; your self-belief is becoming stronger, your being forced to be creative about your situation, you're learning to use discernment when it comes to people, you're learning to trust your intuition etc. 

The duality in life shows up as opposites: hot and cold, good and bad, above and below etc. Everything has its place and one cannot exist without the other. We just need to adapt to make the best of what life throws at us. So, ask yourself how you can better your stormy period. It reminds me of the children's book 'we're going on a bear hunt' by Michael Rosen. I haven't read the book since I was a child but I do remember how determined the children were to go on a bear hunt, that it didn't matter what obstacles they faced, they always found a way to overcome them. They assessed their surroundings and adapted to it, to get what they wanted. Where there's a will, there's a way. Whatever you do, just don't give up! 

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How perfectionism hinders progress

I'm sure we've all come across someone declaring how much of a perfectionist they are (Maybe that someone is you) Have you noticed that they/ you say it as if it's no big deal? But isn't it? In my opinion, it is.

Being a perfectionist robs us of progress. It's exhausting. It paralysis us! We are so obsessed with perfection that we fail to see what really drives this mentality. In order to reach a destination, there are necessary steps we need to take and it's whilst taking these steps, we make mistakes, but it's these same mistakes that allow us to grow and eventually take us to our destination. What you view as perfect, may have taken years of mistakes/failure to achieve. If you really analyze perfectionism, you will see it's based in fear. There's a fear of failing and avoidance of making mistakes.

We need to let go of this need to be perfect because it's unattainable and it costs us in the long run. At times, life calls for urgency...think of all the opportunities you've missed due to thinking you weren't the 'perfect' candidate. Stop being so hard on yourself and accept imperfection is a part of life - learn to embrace it. Start where you are and use what you have. The work you've been sitting on needs to be completed. Not for just your own peace of mind, but it may just be the remedy for someone's situation.

Would you describe yourself as a perfectionist? How have you managed to get out of your own way?

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